cPanel is a widely-used web hosting control panel that streamlines various website and server management tasks. From overseeing web server resources like bandwidth to managing domain names, organizing website files, and creating email accounts, cPanel provides a user-friendly interface for efficient administration. It is favored by many hosting providers and comes bundled with shared hosting, cloud hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated servers, and more. Alongside cPanel, WHM (WebHost Manager) serves as an administrative control panel for managing dedicated servers or VPS. It offers tools for hosting providers to efficiently manage customer accounts, server settings, security configurations, and other administrative tasks.

Wondering how to install cPanel and WHM on AlmaLinux? This comprehensive guide will walk you through the entire process. But first, let’s understand what AlmaLinux is and why it’s a preferred choice.

What is AlmaLinux, and Why Choose AlmaLinux?

AlmaLinux is a free, open-source operating system that serves as an alternative to CentOS. It was first released in March 2021 and has quickly gained popularity among Linux enthusiasts, developers, and businesses. AlmaLinux emerged as a replacement for CentOS Linux after Red Hat discontinued CentOS in December 2020. AlmaLinux aims to offer stability, security, and reliability, providing long-term support and compatibility with various software and hardware configurations.

Why Choose AlmaLinux?

Here are several compelling reasons to choose AlmaLinux:

  1. Free and Open-Source: AlmaLinux is free to use, eliminating the need for an RHEL license.
  2. Continuity: AlmaLinux provides a seamless transition for former CentOS users with its similar features and compatibility.
  3. Stability: Known for its stability, AlmaLinux ensures consistent performance for both individual users and businesses.
  4. Support: AlmaLinux quickly addresses bugs and issues, releasing updates in a timely manner.
  5. Long-Term Support: AlmaLinux 8.x will be supported until 2029, offering users extended peace of mind.
  6. Virtualization Technology: AlmaLinux supports virtualization technologies such as OpenVZ and KVM.
  7. Security: AlmaLinux prioritizes security, implementing robust measures to protect against potential threats and vulnerabilities.
  8. Compatibility: AlmaLinux is compatible with a wide range of software and hardware configurations, providing flexibility for various user needs.


Before you begin the installation process, ensure you have the following:

  • A valid static IP address
  • A hostname
  • At least 2 GB of RAM (1 GB is the minimum requirement)
  • At least 20 GB of free space on the hard drive

Note: Once you install the control panel on the server, it cannot be uninstalled. If you need to remove it, you will have to reinstall AlmaLinux.

How to Install WHM/cPanel on AlmaLinux 8

Follow these steps to install WHM/cPanel on AlmaLinux 8:

1. Update the System

First, update the existing packages to the latest version. Open your terminal and run the following commands:

yum update yum upgrade

2. Install Perl and Curl

Since cPanel is written in Perl, you need to install Perl on AlmaLinux 8. Additionally, install Curl to download the cPanel installation script:

yum install perl curl

3. Download the WHM cPanel Installation Script

Navigate to the main directory and download the cPanel installation script:

cd /home curl -o latest -L

4. Run the cPanel Installation Script

Execute the downloaded script to start the installation process:

sh latest

5. Log in to WHM

After the installation is complete, access WHM by entering https://Server_IP:2087 in your browser’s address bar. Use the AlmaLinux root user credentials to log in, and accept the terms and conditions.

6. Apply for a WHM/cPanel Trial License

To start using WHM, you need to create an account and apply for a trial license. Click on the login button, enter your email address, and provide the necessary hosting service details to activate a 15-day free trial.

7. WHM Dashboard

Once logged in, you will be directed to the WHM dashboard. To start hosting websites, create a cPanel account. Here are some important directories you might need to access from the command line on AlmaLinux 8:

  • cPanel directories: /usr/local/cpanel
  • Third-party tools: /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/
  • Directories of addons or cPanel add-ons: /usr/local/cpanel/addons/
  • Basic files like PHPMyAdmin, themes: /usr/local/cpanel/base/
  • cPanel binaries: /usr/local/cpanel/bin/
  • CGI files: /usr/local/cpanel/cgi-sys/
  • Access to cPanel & Error event files: /usr/local/cpanel/logs/
  • WHM files: /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/
  • Apache configuration: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
  • Configuration of the Exim mail server: /etc/exim.conf
  • Named configuration files: /etc/named.conf
  • Configuration files for ProFTP and Pureftpd: /etc/proftpd.conf and /etc/pure-ftpd.conf
  • cPanel user files: /var/cpanel/users/username
  • cPanel configuration files (tweak settings): /var/cpanel/cpanel.config
  • Network configuration files: /etc/sysconfig/network
  • Addons and subdomain information: /etc/userdomains
  • cPanel update files: /etc/cpupdate.conf
  • Clamav configuration files: /etc/clamav.conf
  • MySQL configuration files: /etc/my.cnf
  • PHP.ini configuration files: /usr/local/lib/php.ini

Installing cPanel and WHM on an AlmaLinux server is a straightforward process that can be completed with just a few commands. AlmaLinux provides a stable and secure platform that complements the robust features of cPanel and WHM, making it an excellent choice for web hosting environments. With its long-term support, open-source nature, and strong community backing, AlmaLinux is poised to become a leading choice for those seeking a reliable CentOS alternative.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can set up a powerful web hosting environment that leverages the best of both cPanel and AlmaLinux. Enjoy the benefits of seamless server management, enhanced security, and the flexibility to handle a wide range of web hosting tasks with ease.

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